Asha Logos-Political Philosophical Guide

I communicate ideas through video, podcast, the written word.         

The chosen moniker ‘Asha Logos‘ means much to me. I don’t pretend to live up to it, but I do aspire and strive to.

It forces my gaze upwards. 

I feel we’re slipping into a degenerated and cheapened state of being, gradually and seamlessly enough to avoid recognition or alarm. This lowered ‘frequency’ is all-pervasive, and it’s end result is a less natural, pure, and worthwhile existence. Only the restoration of vigilance, an active intolerance to poisons, renewed discipline and a restoration of traditional high culture has the potential to act as a citadel capable of cultivating and protecting the type of lofty and transcendent beauty, the type that acts as the driving fire of human greatness.         

Everything is contagious. As technology increasingly connects and governs the world, many are quick to see the benefits of this path, yet seemingly fail to see the unprecedented dangers. An existential crisis looms ahead, and instead of principled and inspired men with foresight and judgment, our leaders have become errand-boys, indirectly serving a hidden hand, caring little to nothing for their nations and citizens relative to their own self-interest.         

We live at an all-important crossroads in human history… and again, due to exponential increase in technological progress, gifting those in control with the power to manipulate and destroy on a scale unknown to previous ages, this time there may not be any second chances.         

My aim is to aid in course correction. I try to operate under the guiding principle of ‘first, do no harm’, and seek to give voice to only those things I feel most certain of.. and encourage others to do the same. A reductionist and materialistic world has stripped us of our bearings, our ‘central pillar’, our foundation, leaving confusion and chaos in its place. I believe our goal should be to rediscover firm ground, and plant good seed… before the soil becomes salted, barren, fit only for tares.         

My hope is that elements of my work might help clarify and reorient, inspire better hearts and minds than my own, and perhaps help to harness and channel long suppressed energy in a positive direction.        

Seek truth genuinely and diligently, seek to communicate it with clarity, and the world will become a better place.

A Call to Return to the Land

This video covers an immense amount of ground.. perhaps too much. It’s sole purpose (for the moment) is to foster fruitful discussion down these paths, and hopefully help spur some new types of thinking – I don’t think we have a great deal of time left. I’m under no illusions that my own words here will immediately kickstart all these grand goals.. nor are they yet concrete enough to be pursued, just yet. It’s my hope that they might play some part in eventually bringing capable (and devoted) minds together to properly flesh these things out. I’ve done the easy part, like an idealistic child, and set down some broad strokes, only to help get the ball moving.. seeking only to be concrete and specific enough to paint this broader picture, but not so much that others can’t use their own imagination/vision to effectively ‘fill in the blanks’, and better expand on the core ideas. It’s also a bit redundant in parts – I really wanted to more deeply ‘imprint’ a few concepts that I consider most important. The audio quality isn’t great in portions – no more recording all audio next to a crackling wood stove. It also feels just a bit scattered, as I attempted to cover several individual topics that deserve their own short novel with a few brief passing remarks. But none of this matters a great deal. Again, no matter what type of discussion this video inspires, it’ll have served it’s purpose in causing one to think on these topics – to imagine, envision, conceptually conjure – and I have no doubts that doing so is the first important step, down a potentially beautiful and powerful path.

Obstacles Along the Way-Asha Logos

In a world overflowing with grift, in which everybody now seems to be selling something, to the extent that even our art and creative productions are so often a mere pretext or facade for this money-making, it feels self-serving, a distraction, not the best use of time and energy.. so, no matter what comes of this, or what the future holds, I won’t be mentioning any of these issues again, come what may.. and I hope this brief interruption will be pardoned/understood. I don’t pass judgment on those who actively seek out ways to monetize their work, especially if in order to make it their exclusive focus. My extreme approach to all things money is a personal one. It helps me sidestep unhelpful temptation, helps maintain complete independence of message/content, helps keep me humble, and helps me maintain a psychological state of gratitude and appreciation.. and I genuinely appreciate (and benefit from) all of these. It’s just a path that works best for me. Now that this is out of the way, back to work I go… thank you, again, to all who help make it possible.



Globalism is the palatable mask created to enable a small group of corrupt men to loot the Western world as they drive it into the ground. 
Nations are best governed by men who fight for the national interests, and those of their citizenry… not flippantly controlled as if they were mere stores in a larger shopping mall. 
We’re at a crossroads, in our era… and as millions wake to falsity of it all, the propaganda campaign, on all fronts, escalates in equal measure. 
Should they ever attain their goal of a truly one-world government, keep in mind there will be *nowhere* to escape to. Every last inch of the globe would be under the jurisdiction of the most corrupt subset of the species, further strengthening their grip with each successive generation. 
Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

Our Fight Against the Malevolent Hatred of the ‘Eternal Rebel’

In our left hand we hold an olive branch… in our right, a sword. 
We ask that you please don’t knock the branch from our hands.

Click HERE to go to Asha Logos site

Asha Logos’ Analysis of the Plandemic

The French Revolution: Blood in the Streets of Paris

The French Revolution (1789 – 1799) led to the destruction of both the Monarchy and the Aristocracy and high Nobility of France, and set new governing precedent in the process. Posing as an organic movement of the people, it would serve to help change the trajectory of the western world, and profoundly alter the way western mankind would view nations, governments, and leadership. Victors really do write the history books – and few instances better illustrate this concept than historical accounts of the French Revolution. Anti-hierarchical sentiments, democracy, humanism, reductionist materialism, rationalism, the modern conception of ‘human rights’, the term ‘Republican’ and concepts of ‘left-wing’ and ‘right-wing’, the guillotine – all spring from revolutionary France.


Synopsis: Asha Logos goes over the history of the Jews in Russia, rich billionaire Jews in America and Germany, the Revolution, and the Bolshevik Movement and how it all descends into how Russia fell to Communism. This documentary can be used for anyone to see how a country can descend into Communism.