About the Webmaster

I am not “normal”

I started my website, bushstole04.com, in 2005 after realizing that George W. Bush stole the 2004 presidential election by computer fraud. At that point, I was not aware of who was behind the planning, orchestration and cover-up of 9/11. I had actually, to some degree, fallen prey to the cover-up regarding 9/11.

When I saw no main stream media reporting on the stealing of the 2004 presidential election, I swore to myself that I would never again watch, read or listen to main stream news. I have kept true to this promise to myself.

When I started investigating the official 9/11 conspiracy theory in 2005, I began to realize that it was completely false. The “Official Conspiracy Theory” was physically and practically impossible. It was at that point that I had taken the proverbial “red pill” and had started my journey down the “rabbit hole”.

As you may know or have at least heard, this rabbit hole goes very deep.

The purpose of this website and my original website is to disseminate the results of my research regarding the historical narratives that we were all exposed to from birth. Once I uncovered the truth about more and more of these historical narratives, I have found it much easier to understand the current geopolitical landscape.

Unless we know “true history”,not written by the victors, we will not be able to understand the geopolitics of the day.

Depending on whether you have taken the “red pill” and if so, how far you have travelled down the “rabbit hole” will determine your initial reaction to this “New Information”. This “New Information” will be found on my original site, 911insidejob.com and on this new site. My posts of articles and videos is the result of my research over the past 15 years.

So you understand, my opinions are based upon my current research. I continually broaden and tweak my opinions as my research continues. I have learned that like myself every independent researcher has blind spots on different aspects of the myriad of historical narratives.