MAHA BACK ON TRACK: RFK Jr. Opposes Mass H5N1 Animal Vaccination & Is Going After The BigFood Industrial Complex
MAR 09, 2025
After Kennedy’s recent faux pas of having framed the useless yet extremely dangerous MMR vaccine in a positive light…MAHA FAIL: RFK Jr. Op-Ed Pushes Dangerous & Unnecessary MMR Vaccine For Measles “Outbreak”2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD·MAR 3

Sadly, RFK Jr.’s first grave misstep has just occurred, potentially sinking the whole Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement before it ever had a chance.Read full story
…the newly appointed secretary of the HHS has now thankfully righted the MAHA movement with two critical developments.
But first let us briefly revisit the whole measles scare, which is nothing more than an attempt to back Kennedy into a corner if the case counts were to ever surge and then blame the (nonexistent) deaths squarely on his alleged anti-vax and anti-trust-the-science stances, except that there never was and won’t ever be any “outbreak” whatsoever; to wit:

And the measles vaccines are not just completely useless…

…but are extremely dangerous, with the MMR vaccine being so injurious that Japan way back in 1993 withdrew its recommendation.
A simple statistical breakdown should put this whole MMR vaccine debate to bed once and for all: the absolute risk of contracting measles is 0.044 per 100,000 based on 164 cases out of the entire North American population, while the risk of serious vaccine adverse events is around 6 per 100,000; therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to subject children to these poisonous injections.
Now for the fantastic MAHA news:
BREAKING – RFK Jr. and Federal Health Agencies Wisely Oppose Mass H5N1 Animal Vaccination Over Mutation Concerns “There’s no indication that those vaccines actually provide sterilizing immunity and all three of my health agencies, @NIH, @CDCgov, and @US_FDA, the acting heads of those agencies have all recommended against the use of the bird flu vaccine,”@SecKennedy said in an interview on Fox News published this week.
These comments provide a sigh of relief to the many who were deeply concerned about Medgene’s “protein-based prescription-platform vaccine,” which was on the verge of USDA approval for cattle vaccination. At last, America has public health leadership that uses common sense and the most up-to-date science.

Mass animal depopulation for H5N1 bird flu prevents population immunity, while widespread vaccination would accelerate viral evolution—prolonging the crisis, destabilizing the food supply chain, and increasing the risk to humans.@USDA @SecRollins @HHSGov @SecKennedy

Just like with humans, mass animal vaccinations offer less than zero protection against any viruses, and only causes adverse events, mutations, and die-offs.
There is no vaccine that can inoculate against any respiratory virus in humans or animals alike — this is all a BigPharma money grab and depopulation/culling program.
And speaking of BigPharma, their c-suites happen to all sit on the boards of BigFood, and vice-versa; in other words, the poisonous foods being offered to Americans is just as deliberate as the deadly vaccine schedule, with BigFood reaping windfall profits from their highly addictive and toxic foods which over time require BigPharma “treatments” from diabetes to obesity (70% of Americans today are obese) to the Medical Industrial Complex’s biggest cash cow in (turbo) cancer.
Yes, ingesting processed foods loaded with artificial ingredients, sugars and seed oils are a guaranteed way of ending up BigPharma’s patient for life.
This is all deliberate, with massive money made not just on foods unfit for human consumption, or the expensive medicines and procedures, but the stock prices of both industries synergistically generating massive profits for each other.
According to a Politico report entitled, RFK Jr. poised for awkward face-to-face with food companies:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning to meet with top executives of several major food brands on Monday, marking the first sitdown between the new Health and Human Services secretary and companies he’s publicly accused of harming Americans’ health.
Just like the BigPharma execs, the BigFood execs perfectly realize exactly what they are perpetrating against the general health of all Americans.
The ingredients are so unnecessarily unsafe that in the very same manufacturing plant BigFood purposely adds additional poisons to the products intended for America, while omitting said poisons from the Canadian marketplace — this is the intentional poisoning of an entire society, and instead of sitdowns we need mass arrests now:

The article concluded with this piece of blatant disinformation:
“There is major concern that [CBA is] going to agree, as major industry players, to things that eliminate science from the FDA,” the person said. The person also speculated that it’s “entirely possible the CEOs fall over themselves to agree to whatever MAHA asks them to do.”
Sure, that very same “science” that the FDA stands for, like issuing fraudulent Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” that could never make it past animal trials, while transforming the unfortunate subjects into walking spike protein factories who are genetically modified by the highly carcinogenic SV40 promotor sequence that was deliberately added to these injections for no other reason than to increase the chances of inducing adverse events.

Yes, that very same captured FDA that is running cover for their BigPharma and Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers also approved the carcinogenic Red 40, Yellow 6 and Blue 1 food dyes, yes that very same FDA sure does stand for that kind of “science.”
And this anonymous person quoted in the aforementioned Politico article is claiming that there is “major concern” that this “science” will be eliminated from the criminal FDA?
With this kind of science, who needs eugenics and depopulation?
With this kind of science, the tax slaves pay for their own demises.
This is precisely the kind of science that Kennedy and the MAHA movement need to put out of business once and for all.
Because this is anything but science, this is $cience designed to maim and murder.
And the same people defending the DEATHVAX™ are also somehow vehemently defending the FDA, as well as Red 40, Yellow 6 and Blue 1 food dyes in their processed foods.
Like Kennedy said, if you want your vaccines, you can have them, and if you want poison foods loaded with deadly dyes, and if you want to drink Draino or do a swan-dive off a tall building, then by all means…
But at least Americans will finally be furnished with irrefutable and fully transparent evidence and data, which they can ignore at their own peril.
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