Category: Rothschild Communism/Zionism
Why is NO ONE stopping this? NATO readies MASSIVE attack, Putin sounds alarm | Redacted
American troops are in fact on the ground in Ukraine, according to several U.S. media reports. A Pentagon official says that U.S. troops are “monitoring NATO arms deliveries.” That’s a fairly vague description of...
US Government has Authorized Portal Access to Twitter to Delete Any Tweets They Wish- Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
The U.S. government has worked directly with social media companies to shape the discourse in order to garner “support for the U.S. government,” according to an extensive report by The Intercept. The Department of...
Unholy Alliance — Religious Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud-by Joseph Mercola
COVID jab misinformation has risen to new heights as evangelical pastors, theologians and seminary heads across the US follow the lead of Dr. Francis Collins, a self-proclaimed Christian and former head of NIH. Government...
This Is F*cking DANGEROUS-Russell Brand
As California Governor Gavin Newsom signs a bill meaning doctors could be sacked for spreading COVID “misinformation” to patients, we ask, if doctors can’t give health advice, who can?
We Will Not Comply
Freedom should never be taken for granted. It is time we all put our foot down. What’s coming is a world with less freedom and less individual rights. But we can stop this. We...
Germar Rudolf-The Holocaust Hoax at the three “pure extermination camps” in eastern Poland, namely Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibór
October 05, 2022/ Charles Stanford Having dealt with what is undoubtedly the biggest weapon in the mainstream Holocaust propaganda campaign, namely Auschwitz (once referred to in this context by David Irving as “the great battleship...
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