Category: False Historical Narratives
Elon’s Weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION: How AI Has Been Deployed to KILL for Jews
AI is a weapon of mass destruction, sent from Hell to brainwash, program and CONTROL every aspect of your daily life, all at the behest of satanic JEWS. Watch Video
BREAKING: Jab White Clot Mystery Solved?
Maria Zeee is joined by a panel of medical professionals and experts who believe they may have solved the mystery of the strange white clot phenomena seen by embalmers and surgeons worldwide following the...
Americans comprise the sickest, most obese nation in the western world. But why? How did we get here? Michael Dillion the founder of Air Water Healing joins me to discuss the epidemic of illness...
The Untold TRUTH About Pearl Harbor: How its linked to Ukraine, Israel, Syria
Sam Parker joins Stew to discuss the untold truth about Pearl Harbor, and how it connects to Isael, Ukraine and Syria! Watch Video
Jewish War Machine DESTROYS Syria as Greater Israel, New Khazaria Take Shape
Stew Peters speaks the truth Watch Video
Donald Trump: Jewish Slave and Burger Flipper
Stew Peters exposesJewish control of this country Watch video
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