Author: 911insidejob
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi-2nd Smartest Guy in the World
By Greg Hunter World renowned microbiologist and virologist professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD has won many medical and scientific awards and has more than 300 peer reviewed research papers. Dr. Bhakdi was one of the...
This is the Most Successful Strategy to Defeat the Evil Elites-Stop World Control
Our mission is to prevent world tyranny by criminal elites. How can we do this? Simple: by exposing their true nature to humanity. The magic trick used by the evil elites to deceive humanity,...
John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’-2nd Smartest Guy in the World
This will not end until there is mass nonviolent noncompliance with an illegitimate Federal government, the UN, WEF, CFR, CIA, FBI, IRS, WHO, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits,” et al., and the various One World...
Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Speaks Out Against Lockdowns and Mandates
In a statement made today on a case concerning Title 42, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch breaks the painful silence on the topic of lockdowns and mandates, and presents the truth with startling clarity. Importantly, this...
REPOST: Technocommunism, Pandemics, Climate Change & The Great Reset-2nd Smartest Guy in the World
p What’s past is certainly prologue, and to see the revolution of the future means that we must look into these transhumanist seeds of recent times. Nearly three decades after funding the NAZI eugenics...
How To Create A Social State by Saul Alinsky, A Communist Jew
2nd Smartest Guy in the World Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are both disciples of the “scholar” Saul Alinksy. The former wrote her Wellesley College senior thesis on his work and became penpals with him. The latter became...
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