Fauci lied. The CDC lied. The New York Times lied. And now, they’re finally being exposed.
A bombshell congressional investigation—released just weeks ago—confirmed what ICAN has been telling you for nearly five years: COVID came from a lab. Fauci and the NIH knew it and covered it up. Masks never worked. They caused harm instead. Six-foot distancing was a total fabrication. No science, just politics. The COVID-19 vaccine made infection more likely—not less. ICAN exposed this several years before Congress admitted we were right. For telling the truth, ICAN faced censorship and ridicule 24/7. How is it that the CIA, our nation’s top secret security agency, finally got around to admitting the truth about COVID-19 FOUR YEARS TOO LATE? Here’s What Comes Next: They’re still pushing vaccines mandates. Still indemnifying Big Pharma. Still hiding data. And when you and I were not looking, when we all took off our masks and breathed a sigh of relief, Congress secretly extended the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) until 2029, giving Big Pharma five more years of total legal immunity. Ask yourself: If vaccines are so safe, why do manufacturers need total protection from lawsuits? ICAN is fighting to end this injustice. We have launched lawsuits to dismantle the PREP Act, expose government corruption, and bring real accountability to the vaccine industry. And we are winning. But we can’t finish this fight without you. The only reason we’ve been able to take on Big Pharma and bring these revelations to light is that people like you have stood with us. If you want actual investigations—not corporate propaganda—you make that possible. Your donation directly supports ICAN’s legal action. It funds lawsuits holding your government accountable. It ensures your freedom of speech and your medical freedom. Your gift helps ICAN demand honesty from those in trusted positions of authority. With the incoming White House, we have high hopes for success in 2025. Yet, if we know anything, we know this: Nothing moves in Washington unless it is pushed! Help ICAN push today with a new monthly gift of $25 a month for 2025 or a one-time gift of $35, $50, $100, or $250 or more right now. I am anxiously awaiting your reply. |
Be Brave, |
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Del Bigtree, CEOInformed Consent Action Network |
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