Richard Gage, Architect, Reveals Building 7 Collapse to Thousands of Fire Professionals at Boston NFPA Convention
Fire Dept Captain Raul Angulo, Richard Gage, and Erik Lawyer of Protecting All Protectors Alliance with Boston 9/11 Volunteers Educate National Fire Protection Association Members
Here is LINK to read article and watch videos
The incredible volunteers at Boston911 made it all possible. They just want to get it done! They never stop. And they don’t show any signs of doing so. For almost 20 years they have been brainstorming, speaking, tabling, and moving mountains in order to educate their fellow New Englanders.Well… they discovered in April that the annual convention of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) was happening—on their turf, and they weren’t going to miss the opportunity this time to teach thousands about the “Salomon Brothers Building” that collapsed mysteriously, in 7-seconds – due to a “fire-induced progressive collapse” according to NIST – the National Institute of Standards & Technology.
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