Ukraine: Behind the Wall of Propaganda-James Perloff
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It happened almost overnight. After two years of COVID dominating the world’s headlines, Ukraine seamlessly took center stage.
Russia’s intervention in Ukraine was justified on several premises:
• When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, it was assured that NATO would not move further East. But NATO repeatedly broke its promise. Ukraine is now a NATO partner, and was scheduled to become a full NATO member. Since Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had requested nuclear weapons, this represented a security threat to Russia on its immediate border.
• As now admitted by the U.S., some 30 U.S. biolabs were operating in Ukraine, many working on dangerous pathogens, representing a further threat to Russian security.
• Ukrainian forces were committing atrocities against civilians in Eastern Ukraine, especially ethnic Russians, and the territory of Donbass had formally requested assistance from Russia.
• Russian forces are moving slowly in Ukraine—not because they are weak (as claimed by the U.S. media) but because they want to preserve Ukraine’s infrastructure and are concerned only with confronting hostile military forces, not civilians. But there’s much more. Hang on. This article will consist of text, graphics, and videos; most of the latter are very short (1 or 2 minutes). I have noted the length of each. The overall video content may make this post slow to load for a few people, depending on their device and Internet connection. If a video doesn’t play on the first click, click again.
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