The truth about ventilators
The truth about ventilators
Do you know the following about ventilators,
1. Over 90% of people over 65 years of age if put on a ventilator will die
2. Did you know that a large number of drugs are needed if one is put on a ventilator for various reasons. All of these drugs have serious side effects.
3. Did you know that Tony Fauci has been family friends with the New York State Cuomo family for decades.
4. Did you know that Chris Cuomo from CNN said that he is on the phone with Tony Fauci almost every day.
5. Did you know that Governor Cuomo made the use of ventilators for those suffering from this virus in emergency rooms the preferred treatment. He demanded that companies making ventilators bring many ventilators into New York City. If a patient is put on a ventilator, the the hospital receives $39,000 instead of $13,000 if only diagnosed with Covid.
6. Did you know that Governor Cuomo required nursing homes to take in elderly who were suffering from COVID-19. Did you know that 50% of the people who allegedly died from this virus were in nursing homes.
7. Did you know that Governor Cuomo recently made nursing homes not liable in anyway whatsoever for the deaths of anybody being treated there.
8. Did you know that no country in the world other than the United States and New Zealand allow pharmaceutical advertisements on TV.
9.Since a main source of advertising revenue comes from big Pharma, why would TV news ever report on negative aspect of big Pharma.
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