Was Polio a Hoax?-Informed Consent Action Network
They told you polio was eradicated.
They said the polio vaccine saved the world.
They showed you grainy black-and-white photos of children in iron lungs, terrified parents, and long lines of kids getting their shots.
They framed it as a historic victory for science—the ultimate proof that vaccines are mankind’s greatest invention.
Only problem is, none of it is true.
Before I reveal what you don’t want you to hear, I need to ask for your continued financial support. ICAN is under fire for exposing the truth, and the medical establishment is doing everything it can to silence us.
Now, let’s talk about the polio forgery–created by our government and covered up by the media and gullible non-profits who had not reviewed the data or the science.
While the world was told the polio vaccine healed children, prevented polio, and was safe and effective, the truth is…
- Paralysis didn’t disappear—it was reclassified under different names…
- The polio vaccine caused further outbreaks…and, more concerning–
- The FDA approved the currently-used polio vaccine after only a three-day safety trial.
And now, because ICAN dared to file a petition exposing this fraud, the New York Times and the rest of the media are in a feeding frenzy. Their recent headline made it sound like ICAN wanted to bring polio back.
But what they refuse to acknowledge is this: A polio vaccine injected into our children was never adequately tested.
Think about that. A vaccine injected into millions—billions—of children was approved based on a study that lasted just THREE DAYS!
All adverse reactions after the first 72 hours were ignored. That’s not safety.
Yet, it gets worse.
Before any polio vaccine, doctors classified all sorts of paralysis as “polio.” If a child lost the ability to walk or move their limbs, it was polio. If someone’s legs suddenly gave out, it was polio.
Then, after the vaccine was introduced, the medical establishment did something truly devious: they split polio into multiple different conditions.
They stopped calling it polio and started calling it Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Bell’s Palsy, Enteroviral Encephalitis, and Traumatic Neuritis.
They didn’t cure the disease—they simply rebranded it.
And here’s the horrifying reality: Many of those same conditions are now listed as side effects of vaccines.
The “miracle” of the polio vaccine wasn’t a scientific breakthrough—it was a masterclass in public relations.
I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist for saying this. I’ve been censored, ridiculed, and attacked.
But here’s the truth.
The iron lung never went away. It just got smaller.
Today, vaccine-injured children rely on portable ventilators that they carry in backpacks, strapped around their necks, with a tube running straight into their throats. These are today’s “iron lungs.”
This is the part of the story they never tell you.
The mainstream media doesn’t care about these children. They don’t care that vaccine injuries are real, that lawsuits have been won against health agencies, or that ICAN has uncovered documents proving the entire vaccine program is built on a foundation of fraud and manipulation.
They only care about protecting the lie.
That’s why they’re attacking ICAN instead of investigating the three-day safety trial behind the polio vaccine that is the subject of ICAN’s petition. That’s why they’re trying to frame our petition as reckless.
But here’s the question they won’t ask: Why is the FDA afraid of reviewing the evidence? If this vaccine is as safe and effective as it claims, what does it have to hide?
ICAN is taking on the entire vaccine establishment—the FDA, the CDC, the NIH—and demanding accountability. We are forcing them to answer the questions they don’t want to answer.
But we can’t do it without you.
The truth is on our side. But exposing it requires relentless legal action, investigations, and lawsuits—all of which ICAN is leading.
This is a battle we can win. But only if we stand together.
Donate today and help us continue exposing the biggest medical deception in history.
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