President Trump To Withdraw The United States From The “Corrupt Globalist Scam” Known As The World Health Organization
DEC 26, 2024
Webmaster comment: Trump has often lied about what he will do to “drain the swamp”. We shall see.
President Trump’s transition team has made plans to immediately extricate the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), which is nothing more than the eugenics arm of the United Nations. It so happens that the WHO’s Director-General is the puppet Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a communist war criminal that was in on the whole PSYOP-19 scamdemic and associated slow kill bioweapon “vaccines.”
According to a Daily Mail article entitled, Trump looks to withdraw from WHO on first day of his administration after calling the health body a puppet of Beijing for failing to hold China accountable for COVID:
‘I have it on good authority that he plans to withdraw, probably on Day One or very early in his administration,’ said Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health at Georgetown University in Washington and director of the WHO Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law.
This move to withdraw from the murderous WHO would ensure that America will no longer be subject to never-ending fraudulent followup pandemics, democide “vaccines,” and economically crippling lockdowns.
Scamdemics are one of the technocrats’ go-to psyops to hasten their Great Reset 2030 Agenda endgame for their X Everything App AI-driven social credit score hell on earth permanent global lockdown.
Trump rightly called out the CCP in relation to the WHO…
The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt Globalist scam…paid for by the United States, but owned and controlled by China…
…but Trump is being badly blindsided by some of his closest confidants who are actively operating in China and are trojan horses closely working with the Intelligence Industrial Complex to lockdown America and the world forever.
In their desperate delusion, Tedros and his handlers are still pushing for their pandemic treaty by May 2025, publicly stating that they will allow the U.S. time during this transition so that they may finalize their illicit power grab scheme.
Not only should President Trump exit the WHO, but he must kick the UN out of America forever, and shut down all of the various government agencies that have conspired with these genocidal organizations; this would result in an overnight reduction of the illegitimate Federal government by no less than 80%. These moves would represent true efficiency, and a long overdue return to a Constitutional Republic.
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