Planet of the Humans
Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans”, is a documentary that dares to say what no one else will — that we are losing the absurd battle to stop so-called #climatechange on planet Earth because we are following leaders who have sold us out. The “green movement” is Green with Envy and Greed. The Hypocrites, Al Gore, and Bill McKibbon are making millions on this #GreenMovement Scam of #Renewables (#Biomass Burns Trees instead of Coal). This film is a strange wake-up call to Leftists who are being duped into believing the Climate Change Cult. Michael Moore, who is a socialist, came about this Greed and Corruption in using Anthropogenic Global Warming and the push for So-called 100% renewables which includes Bio-Mass.
This documentary exposes the utter and complete hypocrisy and stupidity of the Green Movement with their Renewable energy Greed cult.
This Documentary could also be called “Planet of the Incosintant, Deluded and Brainwashed Humans, who are Ignorant and Gullible, and are the useful idiots of the Left to bring in full government control and #Socialism.
“Never let a Crisis go to waste!” and if there is no Crisis then create one via the Education system and the Fakenews Media and exploit it.
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