Warriors of blazing truth stand tall against the great dragon and serpent of old, the father of all lies and deceiver of all the nations of the world.
Several people have asked me how we are being attacked, and what methods are used to silence us. I will explan it in this post… Make sure to read to the end.
Our main operation is broadcasting powerful emails full of truth to hundreds of thousands of readers. Our active subscriber list is 340,000 people. This is the heartbeat of StopWorldControl.com From these hundreds of thousands of readers the truth spreads out to millions worldwide.
We also influence hundreds of other organizations all around the world who pick up our reporting and send it to the ends of the earth.
Our latest film “The Mystery of Israel” was shared in twenty languages worldwide, and in America several of the largest truth platforms broadcasted it to their millions of followers.
The largest alternative news platform in the Netherlands, FrontNews, became well known after copying our groundbreaking report “How the pandemic was planned with a purpose”. This became their all time most viewed post and launched this platform to significance. But it was our content.
This happens all over the world, and we applaud it. Wether our name is mentioned or not, what matters is that our reports wake up hundreds of millions combined worldwide.
Next week I will be on The Highwire with Del Bigtree, talking about the operation of the WHO and UN to groom children in primary schools for pedophiles.
I will also be on Natural News again with Mike Adams, and was on Zeee Media with Maria Zee from Australia two weeks ago. An interview is planned with a Japanese news station, and one is planned in The Netherlands, where we distributed several millions of flyers to wake up the public.
All this is fueled by our emails, sent out in seven languages to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
This is how they try to destroy us
So how were we recently censored, again? By shutting down our ability to send out emails to our hundreds of thousands of readers. This is the second time that authorities who control the internet threatened the company whose services we use, that they would get in trouble if they didn’t deplatform us. Essentially we are not being censored by the company itself, but they are being pressured to do so.
That’s why for almost three months I couldn’t send emails to our international audience.
The result of this is that the visitors on StopWorldControl.com drop down from an average of 30,000 a day (with peaks of 200,000 a day) to 5,000 a day. It also causes our financial support to come to a halt, as we operate based on the donations that come from the emails. If we can’t send emails, people quit donating.
As a result I had to pause the work of our main webdeveloper, who is responsible for making our content available in seven languages.
After a month of searching we found a service to send out our emails again. This company promised they will not censor us, as the owner is a passionate veteran patriot who knows what is at stake. So we should be safe this time. But we have had many technical difficulties when starting to work with them, which further delayed the recovery of our mission. It is still an ongoing battle.
Struggling to stay alive
On top of that, the health collapse I experienced, left me fighting to stay alive, the past months. My adrenals have crashed completely, causing a malfunctioning of my heart. The adrenals are the body’s control center for most of our physical functions and when they fail, everything can fail. It is the result of too much stress the past years. But I am recovering, and am able to function partially again.
It was a full blown divine mir@cle how I was able to create the film “The Mystery of Israel” during a time of such weakness.
But I felt an indescribable fire and force coming upon me, to work on this revealing film, even though I was risking my life doing so. It seemed as if the hand of God was so heavy on me, that it lifted me from incredible weakness to a place of doing something that was impossible.
To me, these kinds of powerful experiences show me that our mission is of paramount importance.
It is always my deep desire and prayer that what I do will deliver fatal blows to the worldwide satanic elites. We can do thousands of things, but I want to do those things that effectively hit them in a fatal way. And that’s what this film does. “The Mystery of Israel” reveals how Hamas is controlled by the same entities who also control Israel. The purpose of Hamas is to give Israel the excuse to commit their horrendous crimes against humanity. Because, after all, they are merely “defending themselves.”
Defeating demonic dragons
As long as there is blood flowing through my veins, I will do everything in my ability to present crystal clear, undeniable truth in the most powerful way possible. Even if it shatters the world’s greatest strongholds in the minds of extremely deceived people, who lash out at me like vicious wolves, for shattering their “divine deceptions”.
Humanity must wake up from its induced psychosis, and begin to see reality, so we can collectively put an end to the perpetual terror of evil. That’s why I make the worlds best evidence reports, website, and film productions to awaken mankind.
Our nr. 1 challenge is that nobody with significant resources is willing to support us. While many others receive incredible support from all kinds of billionaires and millionaires, we rely on regular people to continue our operations. That’s why every donation makes a difference. We literally lost about everything, the last months. I merely scratched the surface with what I explain. The damage done is a lot greater. But I don’t want to bore you with all of it.
Fact is that we are a great threat to the satanic cabal worldwide, because we don’t compromise. We don’t shy away from telling everything.
Most other truth platforms fear the consequences of showing the full picture. Who are the culprits? What are their identities? Where are they located? This is what I reveal in thegroundbreaking report about World Domination. I don’t play it safe, but go all out. Dragons are not defeated when we hold back. We must go all out, delivering one fatal blow after the other, to this Serpent of Old, to expose its poison to humanity.
“The great dragon was cast out — that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.” (Revelation 12:9)
We have the Almighty on our side, the King of all kings, the ultimate dragon slayer.
But He works in us and through us and in our midst, and it’s up to us to respond to this or not. We can all remain silent, ignoring the nudging of Christ inside of us. Or we can respond and let the roar of deliverance resound from every vessel of our being.
I ask all who value our warfare to stand with us, and help us recover once again from this umpteenth attempt to destroy us. Don’t hold back, but follow our example to break through.
We have many powerful plans, that I will reveal in the future. Your support will make the impossible possible. The elites never thought they would face such fierce opposition from people like you and me. We are a movement worldwide of hundreds of millions. This is unprecedented.
Don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. See the glow of the bright new day on the horizon. Keep your mind set on the victory that is certain.
You and me, we are making history, in the most literal sense of the word. Not because we are so fantastic, but because we heed to the voice of the Creator who works in us to bring about a beautiful future for humanity.
Please make a generous donation today. Be wild and aggressive in your giving, so we can deliver yet another blow to the elites, who tried destroying us.
Use this link to help us find recovery during this time of attack:
Thank you so much!
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