The Most Important Tucker Carlson Segment To Date: Nixon, Ford and the Deep State
The 2020 stolen election installed a senile diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal puppet to both demoralize and further destroy America.
George H. W. Bush was the former CIA director that was installed as president, who in turn selected his replacements in CIA drug runner Bill Clinton, his idiot son George W. Bush, and the Deep State’s pièce de résistance in Manchurian Candidate and CIA creation Barack Hussein Obama.
Richard Nixon remains to this very day the most popular president in American history. He was elected by a true landslide. From the very beginning of his presidency, Nixon was very much against the Deep State. He was, for all intents and purposes, the antithesis of a Joe Biden. Some recent research points to the fact that Nixon wanted to share advanced (off-world) technology that would have given the world free energy, and his détente with China as well as his mistrust of the CIA were enough reason for the Deep State to utterly destroy him. Which is why the Uniparty of Nixon’s time forced upon his campaign a lifelong bureaucrat and swamp creature in Gerald Ford to be his vice president: it was the ultimate insurance policy in case Nixon had become too unruly. And when Nixon did in fact become his own man, the Deep State contingency plan went into full effect: the CIA-handled Mockingbird MSM began to spin stories of the Watergate scandal all while conveniently leaving out the fact that four members of the break-in team were on the CIA payroll, and that Nixon was completely unaware of the operation. When the Deep State negotiated Nixon’s resignation, with Nixon leveraging his safety by reminding his enemies that he knew who murdered JFK, the first unelected president of the United States was conveniently installed.
One could make the argument that after Gerald Ford other US presidents were installed — see above — but today we have the most egregious example of an unelected POTUS in Joe Biden, and one of the most unpopular presidents ever.
Whatever one thinks of Tucker Carlson, this is quite possibly his most important segment to date, and is must see:
Do NOT comply.
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