Former Bush Administration Official Warns “They Want Your Kids”
Above: Former UK Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock with WEF Founder Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution
A UK journalist has broken a nondisclosure agreement “in the public interest,” she says, and has accepted the possibility of legal action against her, after leaking messages from UK’s most powerful health official in which he asked, before Christmas in 2020: “When do we deploy the new variant?” Texting to media advisor Damon Poole, the official said: “We frighten the pants [off] everybody with the new strain.”
The leaks suggest biowarfare by a government against its own population.
Breaking: Op-Ed in Major Newspaper UK Telegraph Calls for UK Health Minister Matt Hancock to be Arrested and Prosecuted
Former UK Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock, whose position was the equivalent of Anthony Fauci’s, has played a key role in rolling out COVID vaccine mandates, and is a darling of the World Economic Forum (WEF) a private billionaire’s club which works with governments worldwide to bring about its vision of a world in which almost every human is identified and monitored by some sort of digital ID, which ties into a cashless, central bank credit and debit system which can be used to reward or punish behavior.
Klaus Schwab, the founder and primary mover of the WEF, wrote in his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:
“Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”
Central, however, to the success of the control program is the institution of a sort of health dictatorship, which enforces coerced, regular adult injections and digital ID proof of compliance. Hancock’s text messages are an indication from a primary player that COVID may be a deliberate bioweapon to bring about these goals.
Leaks Follow Growing Certainty That COVID Was Man-Made
The leaks follow hard on the heels of recent determinations that the “conspiracy theorists” were right, by the FBI, the US Department of Energy, and former CDC Director Robert Redfield, who now say that the COVID virus was most likely man-made. And despite his denials, former US Coronavirus Task Force Director Anthony Fauci is presently under investigation for directing NIH funds to Wuhan labin China for research that made coronaviruses more dangerous.
Fauci has been referred to the Biden Department of Justice criminal division for lying to Congress about the purpose of “gain of function” funding to the Wuhan lab, a bioweapons arm of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.
The US State Department states:
“Despite the WIV [Wuhan Institute of Virology] presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China’s military.”
Therefore any funding to Wuhan lab from US taxpayers through Fauci’s NIAID are in essence funds to the People’s Liberation Army.
Far-be-it from being an accidental lab “leak,” some observers believe that COVID is a deliberately created bioweapon intended to force an agenda on the global population not yet subject to China-style controls. Exiled Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who fled China in 2020 and whose mother was arrested by Chinese authorities later that year in retribution, has long maintained that COVID is a “unrestricted bioweapon.”
As recently as February 2023 Dr. Yan told media “of course, it was not an accident.”
But in August of 2022 Fauci roundly attacked any idea that COVID was man-made as beyond the pale of valid criticism, a “conspiracy theory” and a “distortion of reality.” Fauci earnestly leaned into the camera and explained that while he appreciated scientific disagreement, COVID being man-made was nonsensical and, agreeing with Rachel Maddow, even “dangerous.” Fauci told Maddow:
“What we are dealing with now is a distortion of reality, conspiracy theories which don’t make any sense at all.”
In 1997 Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the now-misused PCR test, said in an interview:
“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”
Dr. Mullis, Fauci’s most outspoken critic, died in 2019 just three months before COVID hit.
Winner of Nobel Prize for invention of PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, Fauci “does not mind going on television” and lying (watch at Rumble.)https://rumble.com/embed/vjxyov/#?secret=1WEOspPMQm
The US media, largely owned and controlled by elite investment companies Blackrock and Vanguard which own or control most of the world’s hard assets, and are owning more every day, is remarkably uninterested in Fauci’s demonstrable history of lies and distortions.
Blackrock Investments is the world’s largest investment manager, with $10 trillion in assets. It manages wealth for the world’s most powerful families, including Rockefeller, Bush, Rothschild and Vanderbilt.
The NY Post reported this March 2023, as the new GOP majority in the US House of Representatives released the unredacted versions of Fauci’s emails obtained by a Freedom of Information Act Request, that Fauci sat in Congress and completely played Congress and the American people. Fauci cited a paper which argued against the man-made COVID theory and said, on April 17, 2020:
“There was a study recently, where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences … in bats as they evolve and the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”
“So, the paper will be available. I don’t have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you.”
The problem was that Fauci knew exactly who the authors were. He himself had commissioned the paper, had edited it, and had final approval. The NY Post writes:
“the paper’s co-author Dr. Kristian Andersen admits Fauci “prompted” him to write the paper with the goal to “disprove” the lab leak theory.”
The paper was “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.”
The Washington Examiner writes:
“[Fauci] falsely represented the paper as an independent confirmation of what he was saying. It was neither independent nor a confirmation.”
Do Hancock Messages Show That Global Elites Are Working Hand-in-Glove with the Chinese Communist Party to Enslave Humanity?
In December of 2020, the newspaper The Australian obtained leaks showing that the CCP had infiltrated the British Pfizer division with at least 123 CCP loyalists, who answer directly to the party and Chinese President Xi himself.
Hancock’s messages bring a full picture into focus which is not pretty.
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