The most atrociously wicked and heinous acts of sadistic torture, bestial rape and vicious murder, which have been rightfully called the largest Jewish human ritual sacrifice in recorded history, wasn’t the blatant, unadulterated LIE of the ‘Jewish holocaust’ that they can’t shut their lying snouts about, but was, as a matter of INCONTESTABLE historical FACT the systemic and wholesale genocide of (according to conservative accounts) over 113,000,000 White Europeans (mostly of Russian, Ukrainian, German and Eastern European descent) for the most diabolical evil of Bolshevism and Communism, driven by vile hatred, rage, envy and jealousy, created, funded, executed and COVERED-UP, by the blood thirsty savage Khazar beasts and parasites known to the world at large as JEWRY.
In this post, I will prove and establish as a matter of fact, that Communism and Bolshevism not only committed the greatest genocide in recorded human history but that the two and their sister ideologies of Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism all of which are essentially the same (varying only in the number of millions murdered in a Jewish ritual sacrifice to them), are JEWISH ideologies from beginning to end. A menace that threatens the entirety of humanity but especially the European White man, to this very day, more than ever before in history.
FBI Director, J Edgar Hoover, said “The MENACE OF COMMUNISM in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of Communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can be taken in by it. YET THE INDIVIDUAL IS HANDICAPPED BY COMING FACE TO FACE WITH A CONSPIRACY SO MONSTROUS HE CANNOT BELIEVE IT EXISTS. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
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