Fauci’s Pandemic: How He Caused It and Uses It.
You probably recognize the name of Torsten Engelbrecht as I’ve posted numerous times on how his “must read” book, “Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense,” prepared me for what we are going through today. Engelbrecht has been onto the virus scam for a long, long time. Explanation of book here: https://www.torstenengelbrecht.com/en/virus-mania/ Highly recommended reading.
The article might seem unduly rough, but you must understand COVID-19 is not Anthony Fauci’s first rodeo. The singular big cahoona at NIAID for 6 presidencies, Fauci is the gatekeeper to research funding and has more power than one man should ever be given.
Here’s a bullet point summary of the article, although I highly recommend reading the entire article:
- Not wearing a face mask has not lead to a single, extra death.
- The COVID-19 death rate shows the viral cause for excess mortality is virtually impossible.
- Fauci has been telling one lie after another for decades with a complicit mass media regurgitating his lies.
- Fauci has a long habit of silencing and ignoring critical questions.
- In order to understand the abundance of lies one has to understand that PCR tests are scientifically meaningless in detecting so-called SARS-CoV-2 infections, that according to orthodox researchers it is not excessively dangerous, and those referred to as COVID-19 victims probably did not die of it, but of non-viral factors and serious underlying diseases.
- The viral narrative has become a fairy-tale.
- The beginning of the fairy-tale; however, started with AIDS when “virus hunters” enjoyed god-like status accomplished by lies and deceit.
- 50 million were persuaded to get vaccinated during the 1976 swine flu disaster, which resulted in severe side-effects including paralysis and death in 20-40%.
- Due to “unsettled political waters” at the end of the 70’s, the NIH and CDC, “increasingly needed a major epidemic to justify its existence,” according to Red Cross office Paul Cumming. The HIV/AIDS theory was just the ticket.
- According to Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR, “All the old virus hunters from the National Cancer Institute put new signs on their doors and become AIDS researchers.” All of a sudden everyone was fully employed, including Robert Gallo who just happened to need a new career at the time.
- AIDS research started with big lies, specifically Gallo’s announcement that “the probable cause of AIDS has been found.”
- After he filed a patent application for an antibody test, Gallo’s papers were printed, so nobody was able to review his work for a time, which is a severe breach of professional scientific etiquette.
- Review later showed Gallo’s studies did NOT prove the virus thesis.
- Kary Mullis is quoted as stating Montagnier, Gallo, nor anyone else has published papers describing experiments which leads to the conclusion that HIV probably causes AIDS. Mullis personally asked Montagnier for a reference proving HIV causes AIDS but he couldn’t name one.
- When Engelbrecht asked Fauci and NIAID several times for such a study, he was told, “Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”
- This failure to respond to scientific questions is typical of misconduct cases and “runs like a golden thread through Fauci’s 36-year history as director of the NIAID.” Please see original article for specific examples – and there are many.
- The approval of AZT, the 1st authorized AIDS medication, is a perfect example, as many labeled the study it was all based upon a “fraud,” “a gigantic botch-up,” and “seriously flawed.” Even a FDA toxicologist analyst stated there was insufficient data to support approval of AZT. Please refer to the original article for the study’s many flaws. Stopped after four months, the study was financed by AZT manufacturer Wellcome, which is now GlaxoSmith Kline. (All of this is quite reminiscent of what is currently happening with Remdesivir which recently obtained EUA approval for COVID-19 despite lack of results)
- Fauci only appears in the media when critical questions are not asked. On the rare occasion when he was asked why AZT was the only drug available he stated numerous lies: “that it was safe”, “that there have been scientifically controlled trials”, and that “it’s effective”. AZT is a highly toxic drug, the FDA trials were not scientifically controlled, and about the only thing AZT is effective for is destroying bone marrow. Even the creator of AZT “dumped it on the junk pile, didn’t keep the notebooks, and didn’t even think it was worth patenting.”
- Despite Fauci’s promise of an AIDS vaccine 35 years ago – which has been given over a trillion US dollars so far, and an annual budget of around 35 billion dollars, it hasn’t happened yet.
- Fauci predicted the so called “bird flu” would cause 2-7 million deaths. WHO estimated by May 2006 it had killed only 100 people. He stated serious adverse events for the fast-tracked swine flu vaccine was “very, very, very rare,” yet cases of narcolepsy came pouring in.
- Fauci has pushed for preexposure prophylaxis of ART for HIV prevention in those that are HIV negative, i.e. giving highly toxic drugs to completely healthy people. Engelbrecht sent Fauci a list of important question about this but was told again, “Dr. Fauci respectfully declines to respond to the questions that you emailed.”
- Regarding the anti-viral Remdesivir which recently obtained EUA status for COVID-19, the Alliance for Human Research and Protection (AHRF) brings up the fact Fauci has a vested interest the drug as he sponsored the clinical trial – which has not even been peer-reviewed. To date, he still has not made public his financial relations with Gilead the manufacturer. Instead of using science, he made the promotional announcement sitting on a couch in the White House, without allowing for review of the data. At the time he also failed to disclose to the public that the primary outcomes of the study were changed, which the AHRF considers “dubious and suspicious”, of which the mainstream media ignored, but should raise serious red flags. He then shrugged off a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center peer-reviewed, published Chinese study that was stopped due to serious adverse events.
- Remdesivir has caused serious kidney problems and the WHO “Solidarity” trial showed it did not produce any measurable benefit in mortality, the need for ventilators, or the length of hospital stay, but Fauci is silent on these findings. In a bizarre twist, Gilead came out with a statement that conclusive findings can not be drawn from the trial because hadn’t been peer-reviewed or published yet, despite the WHO stating that the large, international study was designed to generate the robust data needed to show which treatment are most effective. Gilead failed to mention that the study used to promote Remdesivir was not peer-reviewed or published before it was given EUA status. When it was finally published it was in the New England Journal of Medicine, the same journal as the fraudulent pivotal trial of AZT. The study only stated that there was a shorter recovery time. Engelbrecht states this has no validity because of the flawed data and the fact participants did not receive a true placebo. FYI: we are talking about BIG money here. According to this, the mediocre drug has already brought in $873 million: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/29/health/covid-remdesivir-gilead
- Fauci maligns anything that competes with his lucrative products. In the case of COVID, this includes HCQ which had numerous studies stacked against it from the beginning, from giving patients high killer doses to poorly done studies which were eventually retracted. Engelbrecht states that the Virology Journal study lacks validity because the science behind SARS-CoV-1 & 2 is totally unfounded and was a cell culture study, not a patient trial.
- Fauci is all about Big Pharma – not life-style factors. Robert F. Kennedy points out that while HCQ costs a measly 30 cents, it completes with Moderna’s vaccine which Fauci’s agency owns half the patent and has invested $500 million in taxpayer money. He is aligned with numerous powerful industries and sits on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Council, which in turn invests millions directly into Fauci’s NIAID. But Fauci maintains he is apolitical and neutral.
- There is a petition circulating titled #Fire Fauci.
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