Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm to So Many The Latest Coronavirus Attack Is A Cover for Restricting Our Health Freedoms By Scott C. Tips, NHF President The National Health Federation April 6, 2020
Besides, the so-called COVID-19 test is faulty with many false positives. False positives for the COVID-19 coronavirus can be up to 50%. Others say up to 75%. This is because the current standard PCR test only looks at an array of antibodies and not for a virus specifically. Many of the antibodies screened for in the positive “check-off” list are common to other influenza virus strains. If enough check-marks appear on the list, then the doctors call it a positive result. So, naturally any antibodies that show up post-immunization from a vaccine made up of inert influenza strains will show a positive result. Recall that Italy had mandatory vaccinations prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. This would definitely skew results, especially the death toll.
Noakes also aptly observed that “There is no agreed test for Covid-19. The usual one is a PCR test for pneumonia. If you have it, they now reclassify it as COVID-19. They may reclassify all of this year’s 17,000 flu deaths as COVID-19 deaths. The science stinks.”
What we are looking at here is a worldwide situation where none of the authorities really have a clue as to what is going on or how to deal with it and yet they are making life-and-death decisions that affect billions, shutting down businesses right and left, throwing people out of work, halting international air travel, and shuttering people in their own homes. It is as if someone gave machine guns to a troop of chimpanzees!
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