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Here in the US.. People are so willing to give away their rights based off just their “feelings”. They don’t realize that once you give them up you can’t get them back. These people don’t even know if they have the “virus” because the report posted on the Gov site says it has an 80.33% false positive result. That’s why people are testing positive then negative then positive then negative again. The otherday Pompeo called this a “Live Drill”. That screams to me that they’ve turned this into another one of their War Games to see how willing we’ll be to surrender our rights. The following is the Government’s site showing the test is inaccurate.. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32133832/?fbclid=IwAR1x58i9MUS16isOtdzAOJHr1TZNpVz4kw-6S5mtyRG_MUg3XVK_RajavAI
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